For the first 50 years of my life, my perfectionist self mistakenly believed it was all about knowing more, getting it right, planning, attempting to prevent bad things from happening, and keeping all of my chicks in a row. It took me this long to discover that the JOURNEY is all that matters. This quote from Gilda Radner sums it all up:

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

Monday, September 3, 2012

In My Head

I'm so glad the summer is coming to an end.

I hope Ali likes her pictures.

I can't wait for the fall TV shows to start.

The dogs need a bath.

I will not put on my winter weight this year.

I wish I liked coffee.

September 27 - October 2 will be so much fun!

I'm sick of political ads already.

If Linda McMahon calls one more time...

I love my new sweater.

My garden needs work.

The bird feeders are running low.

I need to exercise more.

I love my Sanuks.

My new bathrooms make me feel happy.

I need to paint the trim.

Why doesn't Momo come in when she's sitting at the door?

The bananas are getting spotted.

Momo and Halle need vet appointments.

I'm glad Kerry came home for the weekend.

I'm not going outside again until the humidity goes away!

I'm excited that Hali is writing a blog.

I wish Vance could relax more.

I need to get more editing done.

I need to set up more photo sessions.

I need to clean the bathroom.

What will we eat for dinner tonight?

Who will Kelly's new co-host be?

I need to clean the kitchen.

I need a shower.

I can't wait to have fried dough at the Four Town Fair.

I wonder what Annie's college essay will be about.

I love that fall coat in the catalog I got yesterday.

Maddie makes me laugh.

What book will I read next?

I need to begin going to bed earlier and getting up earlier.

Why do so many squirrels keep running in front of my car?

Kerry doesn't have a garbage disposal...

The grapes are nice and crispy lately.

Macoun apples will be ready to pick soon.

Will we have a fall storm this year?

I love autumn.

Will Annie be in a good mood today?

The dogs need brushing.

Why does Maddie LEAP out the door instead of walk?

I love sleeping with the windows open.

I saw a maple tree with orange leaves already.

I need to listen to the news more.

I need to read the newspaper more.

I'm so happy I am so busy with photography.

I wish I had more free time.

We need parsley.

I shouldn't be taking so much time writing this blog.

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