The prep work took a while. The baseboard heater in the the bathroom had become rusted over the last 22 years since we built the house. I took it apart and sanded it. Then I spray painted the part that was attached to the wall. It looked so nice, I decided to do the ones in the dining room and family room too. The kids helped wash the dirty trim around the windows. We took down the pictures from the walls in the family room and spackled the holes. I also noticed the wall in the bathroom needed to be fixed. The old vanity cabinet was higher than the new one we will be getting and there was a ridge on the wall where the old one had been. So I spackled quite a bit and sanded until it was smooth.
On Saturday, the painting began. Annie painted the windows in the dining room and Kerry painted the trim in the family room. Vance and I attacked the ceilings. Adam was mulching the yard. We ran out of ceiling paint and sent Adam to the paint store. I started trimming the dining room area. By evening, the dining room was done.
On Sunday I skipped church to get a head start on trimming the rest of the rooms. Vance only rolls. I trim. It took a long time. By dinner time, we were almost done the kitchen and family room, but the 2 gallons of paint I had bought were not enough. A few walls in the family room need another coat! We went out to dinner. When we came back, I trimmed the bathroom. By 10:30 PM, the bathroom was rolled and done.
Today is Memorial Day. I am hoping Booma's is open so we can officially finish. But here are pictures of the rooms with paint (ignore the tremendous mess!)
This is the wall color I chose for the dining room. It is Benjamin Moore Fennel Seed. It was chosen to match the seats on the dining room chairs we picked out.
The aqua color on the side wall is a color I picked out from my area rug. This wall will be covered in shelves and hidden by decorative sliding screens, but when it is opened, the aqua accent color will show.
This is the color for the kitchen and family room. It is lighter than the dining room. It is Benjamin Moore Straw.
And this is my bathroom color. Benjamin Moore Ladybug Red. I was told at the paint store that this is the color used by the Red Sox to paint Fenway Park. It also matches the red leather of my dining room chairs and the red in my area rug. I was a little hesitant to choose it, but with a little encouragement from family and friends (and Jonathan), I went with it. I am very happy with the result.
This picture looks brighter than it actually is in person because of the bright flash. It is actually more like the picture above (the paint can). Now I just have to put my Red Sox decals on the wall and it will be perfect!