For the first 50 years of my life, my perfectionist self mistakenly believed it was all about knowing more, getting it right, planning, attempting to prevent bad things from happening, and keeping all of my chicks in a row. It took me this long to discover that the JOURNEY is all that matters. This quote from Gilda Radner sums it all up:

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Ode to Winter

I truly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, LOVE winter.
More than that,  I NEED winter.

The cool, crisp air of a winter day energizes me.

Unlike the majority of people in my life (and the world)
the heat and humidity of the summer bring me down.
By the middle to the end of the summer,  
I experience a sort of depression.

Every year in the spring,  I am full of hope and excitement
to work in my garden and reap the benefits of its beauty.
As the heat of the summer builds,  I tell myself this year will be different.

I tell myself that it's mind over matter. 
I get up early to walk the dogs before the sun is beating down,
yet I still come home each morning drenched in sweat
from the humidity in the morning air.

My garden looks lovely until mid-July when I find
it harder and harder to force myself out into the heat,
longing for the change of seasons.
Air conditioning helps me keep my sanity,
but also holds me prisoner.

If you want to make me happy,  send me a snowstorm.
I love to shovel!
I rush outside before my husband has the chance 
to run the snowblower.  
If I don't make it outside before him,
I instruct him to leave me some snow to shovel.

I believe my dogs feel the same as I feel.
They have a spring in their step in the winter
and are able to walk farther and faster.

I also love to run in the winter.  Like the dogs,
I am able to run farther and faster in the cold.

There are so many other gifts the winter sends my way.

Nothing beats soaking in a hot bath,
or a steamy cup of hot cocoa,

or hiking in the woods without worrying about
mosquitos or ticks.

Of course,  I love wearing winter clothing too,
especially bright colors!  
And if you're having a bad hair day,  
just throw on a hat!

Then there are those days when the thermometer 
creeps above 60 degrees
you get to shed your jacket, hat, and gloves!

My husband hates the winter and loves the summer.  
I just don't get it, but I accept it.
I think maybe it's a biological thing. 
He always needs more blankets on the bed than I do.
He can sit on the beach without going in the water to cool down.

As so many of my generation are making plans 
to relocate to warmer climates,
I would not choose to go that route. 

Two years ago,  we were on vacation in Hawaii for two weeks 
at the end of January.  While we were gone, the Northeast 
was hit with one snowstorm after another.  
I remember feeling sad that I was missing out!

We got well over a foot of snow yesterday!  

I'm feeling great!

There's nothing like a good Nor'easter to bring a smile to my face!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Two-and-Twenty - Annie's Other Smile

I write a "birthday blog" each year on the birthdays of my children.
Today is Annie's 22nd birthday!
As the years go on,  I sometimes struggle to come up with a theme
for the birthday blogs that I haven't done before.  Last night,  I looked
back to prior years in search of inspiration. 
 In 2016,  I wrote about Annie's smile.  She has a great smile!

Take a look back to last year's blog here!
Almost all of the pictures were depicting Annie's "big" smile.

This year I'd like to focus on Annie's "other" smile.

She's had it since she was very young.

As I looked through so many photos from the past,  
I wondered just when Annie uses her "other" smile.

Perhaps when she is being flirty?

Or maybe when she feels proud of herself?

Or possibly she's extremely excited but a little unsure of herself?

Maybe it's when she's surrounded by people she loves.

I know that sometimes it is very mischievous!

Whatever the circumstance,  I love it!
Her smile makes me smile.

Today,  on 2/2 Annie turned 22!


There have been many times during the past year
when Annie's smile hasn't come as easily.

I'm glad those times are now in the past.

The coming year will be a time of endings
and new beginnings.  Annie will graduate in May
and move on to a new time in her life.

The best thing about a smile is
she can take it with her wherever
she decides to go next!

Happy Birthday, dearest Annie!
Keep on smiling!