For the first 50 years of my life, my perfectionist self mistakenly believed it was all about knowing more, getting it right, planning, attempting to prevent bad things from happening, and keeping all of my chicks in a row. It took me this long to discover that the JOURNEY is all that matters. This quote from Gilda Radner sums it all up:

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Innie or Outie? (Part1)

I'm reading a very enlightening book called
The Introvert Advantage - How to thrive in an extrovert world
by Marti Olsen Laney.

Before I tell you about the book, I'd like you to answer a
self-assessment so you can determine if you are an
introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

All you have to do is answer the questions (True or False)
and count the number of TRUE answers.

  1.  When I need to rest, I prefer to spend time alone or
       with one or two close people rather than a group.

  2.  When I work on projects, I like to have larger
      uninterrupted time periods rather than smaller chunks.

  3.  I sometime rehearse things before speaking, occasionally
      writing notes for myself.

  4.  In general, I like to listen more than I like to talk.

  5.  People sometimes think I'm quiet, aloof, or calm.

  6.  I like to share special occasions with just one person
     or a few close friends rather than have big celebrations.

  7.  I usually need to think before I respond or speak.

  8.  I tend to notice details many people don't see.

  9.  If two people have just had a fight, I feel the tension
       in the air.

10.  If I say I will do something, I almost always do it.

11.  I feel anxious if I have a deadline or pressure to
       finish a project.

12.  I can "zone out" if too much is going on.

13.  I like to watch an activity for a while before I decide
       to join in.

14.  I form lasting relationships.

15.  I don't like to interrupt others, and I don't like to be

16.  When I take in lots of information, it takes me awhile
        to sort it out.

17.  I don't like overstimulating environments. I can't imagine
       why folks want to go to horror movies
       or ride roller coasters.

18.  I sometimes have strong reactions to smells, tastes,
       foods, weather, noises, etc.

19.  I am creative and/or imaginative.

20.  I feel drained after social situations, even when I
       enjoy myself.

21.  I prefer to be introduced rather than to introduce.

22.  I can become grouchy if I'm around people or activities
       too long.

23.  I often feel uncomfortable in new surroundings.

24.  I like people to come to my home, but I don't like them
       to stay too long.

25.  I often dread returning phone calls.

26.  I find my mind sometimes goes blank when I meet
       people or when I am asked to speak unexpectedly.

27.  I talk slowly or have gaps in my words, especially
       if I am tired or if I am trying to speak and think at once.

28.  I don't think of casual acquaintances as friends.

29.  I feel as if I can't show other people my work or ideas
       until they are fully formulated.

30.  Other people may surprise me by thinking I am smarted
        than I think I am.

Count the number of times you answered TRUE.

  20-29 True:  You are pretty darn introverted.

  10-19 True:  You are somewhere in the middle. You are both
                       introverted and extroverted.

    1 - 9 True:  You are more extroverted.

I'll explain more about what this means in the next blog,
but I think it would be fun for you to leave me a comment
and let me know your score!

FYI  - I scored 27!


  1. I scored 20, Gayle.....LOL I LOVE the photo at the end.....I burst out laughing! Looks like a 29!!!!


  2. That pink sweater outfit would be the perfect Christmas gift for my daughter Kerry!
