And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. -Lee Greenwood
Talking with my son, Adam, on our recent visit with him in Rome, he make many comments about how much he misses America. Not home, but our country, our customs, our people,our modern conveniences. I guess until you've spent an extended period of time outside of our great country, you don't fully appreciate it for all that it is.
Today is Memorial Day here in America, and just like in so many towns and cities around the United States, our town gathered for a parade to honor our veterans - those living and not living.
As we waited on the town green for the parade to begin, it was impossible not to notice the festive red, white, and blue outfits on the young...
and the old...
and even the pets...
This little girl was NOT dressed with American garb, but she was too cute not to snap a picture!
The parade finally reached us and it was the same as in past years.
The Veterans, some happy, some pensive...
The fire fighters..
Pastor Buisch sporting his flag tie...
The high school band sporting their brand new uniforms...
There is my daughter, Annie (far right)...
Two decked-out members of the Women's Club...
Some very cute Daisy Scouts...
And Brownie Scouts...
And Boy Scouts too...
The local sports teams are even represented (and Vicki)...
After the parade, there is a little ceremony on the town green honoring our town veterans who have died while in service to our country...
The band plays...
Finally, a procession into the cemetery where a prayer is given...
Shots are fired...
And Taps is sounded...
An American holiday. A town tradition.
Happy Memorial Day!
Talking with my son, Adam, on our recent visit with him in Rome, he make many comments about how much he misses America. Not home, but our country, our customs, our people,our modern conveniences. I guess until you've spent an extended period of time outside of our great country, you don't fully appreciate it for all that it is.
Today is Memorial Day here in America, and just like in so many towns and cities around the United States, our town gathered for a parade to honor our veterans - those living and not living.
As we waited on the town green for the parade to begin, it was impossible not to notice the festive red, white, and blue outfits on the young...
and the old...
and even the pets...
This little girl was NOT dressed with American garb, but she was too cute not to snap a picture!
The parade finally reached us and it was the same as in past years.
The Veterans, some happy, some pensive...
The fire fighters..
Pastor Buisch sporting his flag tie...
The high school band sporting their brand new uniforms...
There is my daughter, Annie (far right)...
Two decked-out members of the Women's Club...
Some very cute Daisy Scouts...
And Brownie Scouts...
And Boy Scouts too...
The local sports teams are even represented (and Vicki)...
After the parade, there is a little ceremony on the town green honoring our town veterans who have died while in service to our country...
The band plays...
Finally, a procession into the cemetery where a prayer is given...
Shots are fired...
And Taps is sounded...
An American holiday. A town tradition.
Happy Memorial Day!