For the first 50 years of my life, my perfectionist self mistakenly believed it was all about knowing more, getting it right, planning, attempting to prevent bad things from happening, and keeping all of my chicks in a row. It took me this long to discover that the JOURNEY is all that matters. This quote from Gilda Radner sums it all up:

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sweet Caroline

As I was eating my lunch today,  I cried.

I had come inside to eat and turned on the television just in time to hear President Obama speak at the Interfaith Healing service in Boston.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican,  it was impossible not to be moved by President Obama's words.

But then again, he's had a lot of practice addressing communities that have undergone disasters.  Too much practice lately.

I was working peacefully in the yard that afternoon when my daughter came home and told me what had happened.  Then, due to social media, we quickly discovered that many of our friends and loved ones were at the marathon that day.   One particular tweet "Front row at the finish, waiting patiently for our American girls" really scared us.  Fortunately this girl had already left to come home when the bomb went off.  And more tweets let us know that the others were also safe.

These disasters are occurring too close to home.  NewYork, Newtown, Boston.

In the aftermath of the bombings, we hear so many stories of selfless people running into the bombing site to help the victims.   Once again, the goodness of humanity was shining through the smoke and devastation.

"Sweet Caroline" has been played at every Boston Red Sox game in Fenway Park and beloved by Boston fans for many years.

On Tuesday night it was played at Yankee Stadium, along with the Yankee and Red Sox logos seen together on the video board with the words "United We Stand".

Sweet Caroline.

Touching hands,
Reaching out,
Touching me,
Touching you."

How true!

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