Monday, May 16, 2011

52 Pick-up

I just celebrated my 52nd birthday.


That's a lot of years!

To give you a visual,  I have lived one year for every card in this deck.

That's a lot of cards!

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining.

I am celebrating.

I have made it though the insecurities of youth.
I have conquered many adversities.
I have experienced the joys of raising 3 exceptional children.
I have realized love.


I have lived 18980 days.
That's a lot!

On each of these 18980 days, I have learned so many things.
I DON'T FEEL a lot older,  but I DO FEEL a lot wiser.

Did you know the Mayan calendar  has a 52 year cycle?

I am thinking my life does too.

I feel like I am on the brink of the second cycle of my life.
I look forward to it.
I embrace it.

So here is my new deck of cards. 
I am starting the deck over.

The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away; than what it leaves behind.
                                                   - William Wordsworth

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed saying Happy Birthday, Gayle!!! Hope you had a fantastic day. I remember a long time ago my mother saying that no matter how old you get, you still always feel young inside. I didn't get it then, but I do now :)
