When the kids were little, they were always acting. They would make up all kinds of short movies starring Kerry, Annie, and our neighbor, Jon Cheesman. Adam acted sometimes, but for the most part he was the camera man and film editor.
Whenever friends came to visit, they would involve them in the movie-making fun too! Here, Adam films Taylor Mills.
Annie also went on stage every year for her dance recital. Taylor can also be seen in this picture!
In the spring of last year, Annie auditioned for the high school play "The Insanity of Mary Girard" and earned the role of a "fury". The play was about a woman who was going insane, and the furies were ghostly characters who were like the voices in her head that taunted her and helped show the process of her insanity. Annie LOVED the role, and did a GREAT job.
This fall, she was in another high school play named "Stage Door". It was a play about a group of aspiring young actresses in the 1930's who all lived together in a boarding house. Annie played the part of Olga, a serious and not-so-friendly Russian pianist who seemed to disdain the other women in the house.
As I looked at the photos, I couldn't help but be reminded of my little girl of yesterday. She's a little bigger now, but look at that face. It hasn't changed much at all!
Hahahaha!! Love the outfits we wore! And Annie looked so pretty in her most recent play!